Blockstream Talk

Beating the Bitcoin Blockchain Trilemma with Layer-2s - Blockstream Talk #38 with Byron Hambly

Episode Summary

Welcome back to Blockstream Talk, today we're speaking with Byron Hambly, a developer at Blockstream working on all things Liquid. We talked to Byron about the importance of layer-2s to scaling Bitcoin across the global south. Byron is based in South Africa, so we also checked with him on the current state of Bitcoin adoption in Africa. And what the El Salvador model could mean as a proof of concept across the region. We also discussed trade-offs amongst major layer-2s like Liquid, Fedimint, and Lightning, and the limitations imposed by the blockchain trilemma. As usual, if you found the conversation useful, don't forget to subscribe, and share.

Episode Notes

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02:53 Bitcoin circular economies in Africa

06:19 Fairer Bitcoin for the global south

07:36 Trade-offs between Lightning, Liquid and Fedimint

09:27 The blockchain trilemma

10:25 Interoperability between Lightning and Liquid

12:54 Understanding the Liquid Federation

16:43 Covenants on the Liquid Network

20:19 Confidential Transactions on the Liquid Network

21:45 Blockstream Asset Management Platform (AMP)