Blockstream Talk

Issuing STOs on Liquid & the Future of Capital Markets with Arnab Naskar -Blockstream Talk #6

Episode Summary

In this episode, Jesse sits down with Arnab Naskar, the co-founder and business lead of STOKR. STOKR is a digital marketplace utilizing the Liquid Network to create a new age of capital markets. They sit down to chat about Liquid, STOs, countries adopting Bitcoin, the future of capital markets, and so much more. So sit back, relax, and enjoy another thought provoking episode of Blockstream Talks.

Episode Notes




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1:11 - Meeting Arnab

2:05 - What is STOKR

3:51 - Current capital markets being outdated and what the future holds for them

7:35 - What is an STO and their difference between ICOs

11:22 - Liquid being a good way to issue STOs

13:00 - Privacy on Liquid being important

14:46 - Reasons for STOs becoming popular

16:56 - Benefits of tokenization

19:40 - Countries that are setting themselves up well with regulations

21:30 - U.S. being so hard to provide STO access to

23:06 - Large players getting interested in STOs

25:06 - Opportunities of STOs

29:44 - Bridging the old world to the new world

31:33 - Regulators views on STOs

35:20 - Thoughts on El Salvador bond

39:50 - Views on India adopting Bitcoin

42:42 - STOs in India

43:37 - Most exciting future developments in the Bitcoin world

46:17 - Where to find STOKR and Arnab